Jana Jaroszová (MgA.)


Product designer and artist.

Born on the 9th of June 1994 in the Czech republic.

Loves outdoor sports, especially snowboarding, hiking, cross country skiing, climbing, mountains, design, Vitra, fun, music, culture, old town's centres, and many more.


 Skills :


– works with wood, metal (including welding), plaster, porcelain, clay


– Adobe Illustrator + Adobe Photoshop


– Adobe Muse – had created those websites


– English level C1, German level B1, Czech – native speaker


– photography


– customized design and innovations following brand profile


– working with world trends and implement them into designs


Career :


2017 aug – dec


PRECIOSA components, Jablonec nad Nisou

– customized design and innovations for watches and eyewear

  (Fossil, Michael Kors, Luxottica, Bolon eyewear, etc. )

– estimating incoming trends and creating pre-season inspirations for various brands using Preciosa components


Education :


2018 - 2020

Master of Arts

Atelier Ceramics and porcelain (Maxim Velcovsky)

Academy of Arts Architecture & Design in Prague



2014 - 2018

Bachelor of Arts

Atelier Design of porcelain

Faculty of art and design, Univerzita Jana Evangelisti Purkyne v Usti nad Labem


2016 - winter period

Erasmus at XAMK

Kymenlaakso University of Applied Sciences,



2015 - winter period

internship at Product design (Jan Capek)

Univerzity Jana Evangelisti Purkyne v Usti nad Labem



Furniture design,

Mendelova univerzita v Brne



Graduation at Grammar school

Gymnazium a SOS Jilemnice