


Theme : Studio exhibition for 100 years anniversary


Jana Jaroszová created an extensive installation composed of numerous mass-

produced cups among which, for contrast, are placed original cups

designed by the alumni of the Ceramic and Porcelain Studio (Jiří Hlusicka, Antonin Tomasek, Maxim Velcovsky, Gabriel Vach, Vaclav Serak, Ales Werner, Martina Hudeckova, Pavel Knapek et al.). Jaroszová contemplates the question

as to why the majority of people try

to follow suit in creating uniform

and common households and why so little people purchase things that are different. On the opposite side stand artistic and academic Studios where emphasis is placed on functionality

and aesthetics, but also on innovative and original solutions. Jaroszová thus opens the essential questions of mass and unified production and its economic aspects on one hand and, on the other hand, innovative and costly solutions, which however face lack of interest on the part of the majority.


installation, various materials, slip cast porcelain


Text : Martin Vanek



Studio exhibition at Gallery UM


